Simple Complicated Odyssey's
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Ohhh YEAH!!!

This is something that I wrote almost 2 years ago, but every now and then yes DocBoone craves the liquid crack.
The All-American family drink… not Tang, but Kool-Aid. Famous in white families, black families, Hispanic families, and so on. The stuff that most kids used to be made of. Today it’s McDonalds and genetically enhanced chicken. Kool-Aid could be drunk with any meal of the day, kind of like wine in Italy. And the flavors… oh my GOD the flavors!!! You had red, grape, and orange. Like Dave Chappelle said, “Give me some of that Purple Stuff.? And why the hell was all green candy called apple… and no red candy was ever called apple. Most apples are identified as being red although you do have your green apples. Just a random thought, but back to this Kool-Aid stuff. Most people's first experience in the kitchen was being able to make the Kool-Aid… not frying chicken. Remember the big pitcher that was used? And I bet you never noticed that there were directions for making Kool-Aid. It was always just pour that shit to taste. Houses were always running out of sugar, because more than half of the bag was always for Kool-Aid. And don’t mess up the Kool-Aid, because you were liable to get cussed out for not making it sweet enough. Peolpe have lost teeth because of that Purple Stuff.
Whoever found out that you didn’t need water to make Kool-Aid was a genius. Just take the pack and mix it with a bag full of sugar. Instant crack for elementary kids. Fights on the playground over Kool-Aid in a plastic bag, because you thought you would be slick and put the bag up to your mouth. Now the hole in the bottom corner got your spit on it and the Kool-Aid is stuck because its wet. Everybody got red, purple, and orange hands and mouths, and worms from all that sugar. Now your mom has found out about you sneaking that pack of Kool-Aid and using all that sugar. That’s a for sure ass whooping. People started to think they were sweet when they started mixing two flavors in one bag. Had kids losing they damn mind. It’s amazing that there are people today who have not had the luxury of even tasting Kool-Aid, the liquid or powder form. That pre-mixed stuff doesn’t really count for me. You need that 25 cent pack from the store. The stuff that can literally make a little kid feel like he could really run through a wall. Oh, Yeah!!!!!
Kool-Aid was and still is great. I think I might put me some in a plastic bag and go to work tomorrow with red palms from me licking it out my hand all night.
I think I just lost my mind tonight.
Over and Out, DocBoone
Labels: Life
posted by DocBoone at Sunday, April 27, 2008
Price of Rice

So it looks like a brother can't even go out and buy shrimp fried rice no more. Not because of the shrimp, but because of the rice itself. Price of rice, along with gas, bread, milk, and everything else has increased. What's next? …Bus, subway, and cab fare? Yeahp. Definitely.
If the price of rice is so high and the Philippines are the main source of import – why not start some rice patties over this way? It might be time. I’m sure there’s some space in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, or Wyoming.
I’m a 2-3 times per week rice eater. I guess cutting back on rice in my diet could be a good thing.
Over and Out, DocBoone.
Labels: World News
posted by DocBoone at Sunday, April 27, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008

Those were the first reactions when I found out that Pacman Jones was traded to my favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys. I cursed Jerry Jones, and then I jokingly was ready to commit suicide. I couldn’t believe that the Cowboys could be so stupid as to sign a person as ignorant as Pacman Jones. The same person who called himself ballin’ at the strip club where making it rain on strippers seemed like the hot thing to do. Making it rain on the strippers wasn’t the bad part though. The bad part was actually getting mad when the strippers began to pick up the money. What? Was he upset because he was ready to head back to the buffet for seconds, and he wanted his garbage bag full of ones to wipe his mouth? Dude is by far the most ignorant black man in African American history… next to Rae Carruth. No, I take that back… even more ignorant than Rae Carruth.
Jerry Jones must know something that I don’t know. Those were my second thoughts after I began taking Motrin for the headache that Jerry Jones had caused me. Then there it was. Pacman Jones goes to Dallas for a 4th round draft pick. Ok, I can deal with that. Then the stipulations. It all made sense after all, but is it worth it? Probably, probably not.
As of now I’m content until otherwise noted. Somebody just keep this dude out of the strip clubs or clubs all together. I’m not sure if dude has grown up or learned his lesson, and so until then he needs to have a Dallas Cowboys tether around his ankle.
Oh well.
Over and Out, DocBoone.
Labels: Sports
posted by DocBoone at Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Allow me to Introduce Myself...
Ok I realize that I didn't formally introduce my blog before the first post, but who cares about formalities? Especially blog world formalities? The whole purpose of the upcoming posts are for you to simply take a ride with me as I pound the keys to the rhythms of my thoughts. Comments are welcomed, but don't entice me to keep thinking. Someone get me a glass of Kool-Aid as I get ready for take off.
Over and Out, DocBoone.
Over and Out, DocBoone.
posted by DocBoone at Thursday, April 24, 2008
What is Marriage?

What is marriage? Is it a game? Is it something to pass the time? Is it something you do when you are infatuated with a person? Is it something that one can be forced to do? Is it ‘til death do ya’ll part? These are questions that I find myself asking myself these days. When I was younger all the married people I knew had been married for decades, or something close. Uncles and aunts, and grandparents had all been married and you never questioned the relationships as a kid. The older I got the more I started to realize that all that glitters ain’t gold. Uncles and aunts started to divorce. All those women that grandpa had… those weren’t wives. Maybe he had learned his lesson and stuck to girlfriends instead of wives. I’m sure he’d tell me his secret if he were still alive today. Aunts and uncles weren’t really happy. Having 4 kids and 20 years under your belt you just learn to cope with each other.
I believe that marriage is eternal, forever, two people binding together to create one blissful relationship. It’s definitely something to be taken as serious as yelling BOMB on a 757. It’s the symbolic meaning of that wedding band. The eternal circle that binds two people. In contemporary society that belief seems to be fading as you see more and more couples getting married for unknown reasons. Another question I’ve been asking myself is why would you get married if you haven’t been having a good relationship prior to the engagement. Just because you’ve been together for x amount of years does not mean that it’s time to get married. If you have been arguing and fighting since the first date at PF Changs – what makes you think that getting married is going to make things better? Why would you get married if you’ve only been dating for 6 months? True love my ass. Back in the day our grandparents dated loosely for months or even years before they actually became exclusive. What’s wrong with that? The things I’ve seen with married couples or engaged couples within the last few years have led me to believe that getting married is just what’s hot in the streets for mid to late 20 year olds. Cheating on your soon to be spouse months before you walk down the isle together? What’s really going on? Guess you can’t stop something that’s hot in the streets.
Although I have not been married before I’ve talked to so many older people about marriage and I know that it can be a beautiful thing, or it can suck harder than a chick sucking a golf ball through a water hose. My first question when talking to a potential wifey is always,
“Do you like fishing?”
Since fishing is one of my favorite things to do – I would not want to marry a woman who doesn’t like it. Simply accompanying me in my endeavor is all I want. Drive the boat for all I care... just be open to the sport. Some older veterans have all told me to make sure she is okay with your hobbies. Second I introduce my other hobby. Coaching basketball. If she doesn’t like basketball on top of fishing there is really no point in going any further than, “You should come over and let me give you a massage.” (We all know where massages lead to). Differences in hobbies that take up a lot of your time can lead to arguments on a regular basis. At any rate young and ignorant people my advice to you is to talk to as many married vets as you can. And make sure you listen… you might just learn something other than you hate your baby mama/daddy.
Well in closing, being that I am a young black and single man, I must say that being single really has its rewards. Although there are times when I want the companionship of a female partner, there are also times where I love laying in my bed scratching my ass until it’s as ashy as spilled flour, farting throughout the house, hanging out without worrying about being home at a certain time. Bottom line is the single life is just more comfortable right now. When She comes around I’ll stop scratching my ass… a little. Until then I’m spending my last $15 on a 24 pack of Miller Lite.
Marriage. Just one of the many things running through DocBoone’s mind. What is marriage?
Over and Out, DocBoone
Labels: Life
posted by DocBoone at Thursday, April 24, 2008

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