Simple Complicated Odyssey's
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Doing Hoodrat Things
So it's been a few weeks since the whole Laterian Milton fiasco in Florida, but I've finally caught my breath just enough to comment. At first I laughed, and I thought it was hysterical that a 7 year old would go to such extremes for a joy ride. It was gut wrenching to find out that he only wanted to do hoodrat things, and thought it was fun. Without a doubt he should be locked up right now just to save the time later. Evaluations and medications will only do so much, but what happens when that one day comes and he didn't take his meds? Another joyride? How about a homicide? Or better yet, how about a joyride where he commits a double homicide while under the influence? All it would take is one day of not taking his prescribed Lithium or Prozac, and you have another media frenzy.
After his joy riding escapade Laterian showed up in the news once again. This time he actually attacked his grandmother. Why? Well, because she wouldn't order the chicken wings that he wanted. This caused him to become impulsively explosive, aggressive, and defiant (he ordered the wings anyway). After the second Laterian sighting, he was checked into the Emergency Psychiatric Hospital for a mental evaluation. As a School Social Worker I then started to think about this kid and his problems, and it wasn't funny anymore. This exact behavior is what is most times over looked in our African American children and teenagers. It is clear that something neurological is going on, or not going on which is causing this little boy to flip out so impulsively. I'm glad that he is getting some help, but he is going to have to be taught the right things to do instead of flipping out in the future.
It's probably not a stretch to say that his family is somewhat dysfunctional. His grandmother stated on the news that he is used to seeing violence and arguing in order to solve problems. Why isn't he with his mother? She hasn't been in any of these interviews. What kind of things are she dealing with personally? Drugs or alcohol? Probably, probably not. Oh, and grandma's Durango was pretty decked out with the after-market rims.
All in all, Laterian is only 7 years old. If he does not get his life together pretty soon it's going to be over before he is 10. Like so many of our troubled youth in today's society Laterian's behaviors have been overlooked as being normal or unimportant. The first step was getting him checked into the hospital. Now the hard work begins.
Hopefully Laterian can turn things around for the future. Who knows, maybe he'll become the Governor of Florida when he gets older. Probably not.
Over and Out, DocBoone.
Labels: World News
posted by DocBoone at Sunday, June 08, 2008

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I 100% agree. If this kid is not helped now he will kill himself or someone else. He wanted to do hoodrat things. I think it is bad that a kid that young could even get the hold of a car. I think that all comes down to parenting. Parents shouldnt let their kids want to be like this.
Im out Mikey
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