Simple Complicated Odyssey's
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Ohhh YEAH!!!

This is something that I wrote almost 2 years ago, but every now and then yes DocBoone craves the liquid crack.
The All-American family drink… not Tang, but Kool-Aid. Famous in white families, black families, Hispanic families, and so on. The stuff that most kids used to be made of. Today it’s McDonalds and genetically enhanced chicken. Kool-Aid could be drunk with any meal of the day, kind of like wine in Italy. And the flavors… oh my GOD the flavors!!! You had red, grape, and orange. Like Dave Chappelle said, “Give me some of that Purple Stuff.? And why the hell was all green candy called apple… and no red candy was ever called apple. Most apples are identified as being red although you do have your green apples. Just a random thought, but back to this Kool-Aid stuff. Most people's first experience in the kitchen was being able to make the Kool-Aid… not frying chicken. Remember the big pitcher that was used? And I bet you never noticed that there were directions for making Kool-Aid. It was always just pour that shit to taste. Houses were always running out of sugar, because more than half of the bag was always for Kool-Aid. And don’t mess up the Kool-Aid, because you were liable to get cussed out for not making it sweet enough. Peolpe have lost teeth because of that Purple Stuff.
Whoever found out that you didn’t need water to make Kool-Aid was a genius. Just take the pack and mix it with a bag full of sugar. Instant crack for elementary kids. Fights on the playground over Kool-Aid in a plastic bag, because you thought you would be slick and put the bag up to your mouth. Now the hole in the bottom corner got your spit on it and the Kool-Aid is stuck because its wet. Everybody got red, purple, and orange hands and mouths, and worms from all that sugar. Now your mom has found out about you sneaking that pack of Kool-Aid and using all that sugar. That’s a for sure ass whooping. People started to think they were sweet when they started mixing two flavors in one bag. Had kids losing they damn mind. It’s amazing that there are people today who have not had the luxury of even tasting Kool-Aid, the liquid or powder form. That pre-mixed stuff doesn’t really count for me. You need that 25 cent pack from the store. The stuff that can literally make a little kid feel like he could really run through a wall. Oh, Yeah!!!!!
Kool-Aid was and still is great. I think I might put me some in a plastic bag and go to work tomorrow with red palms from me licking it out my hand all night.
I think I just lost my mind tonight.
Over and Out, DocBoone
Labels: Life
posted by DocBoone at Sunday, April 27, 2008

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