Simple Complicated Odyssey's
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Blog Down
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Instead, stop by Hip Hop Resurrected.
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Keep Hip Hop Alive, One Bar at a Time.
Over and Out, DocBoone
Instead, stop by Hip Hop Resurrected.
See you there.
Keep Hip Hop Alive, One Bar at a Time.
Over and Out, DocBoone
posted by DocBoone at Sunday, March 08, 2009
Friday, September 12, 2008
Burn Jim Rome
I don't know how many of you just watched Rome is Burning... but I just remembered why I hate Jim Rome so much now. He hates black people. No one will probably comment on it, or even pay attention to it, but he just finished placing the blame for Tom Brady's injury. It wasn't on the O-Line... but rather it was on the Running Back that wasn't available. Kevin Faulk. He was suspended for violating the leagues drug policy. Jim Rome was telling fans that it wasn't Sammy Morris' fault for not being able to pick up the blitzes better than Faulk. It was Faulk's fault, and I quote...
"If Faulk had not rolled into a rap concert, packing blunts in his jacket - maybe Brady would still be standing."
How racist of a comment is that to make of a black athlete? Jim Rome needs to be burned, because he is going to be the next white character to call a black man a nigger on national television. Burn his ass!
Keep Hip Hop Alive, One Bar at a Time
Over and Out, DocBoone.
"If Faulk had not rolled into a rap concert, packing blunts in his jacket - maybe Brady would still be standing."
How racist of a comment is that to make of a black athlete? Jim Rome needs to be burned, because he is going to be the next white character to call a black man a nigger on national television. Burn his ass!
Keep Hip Hop Alive, One Bar at a Time
Over and Out, DocBoone.
posted by DocBoone at Friday, September 12, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Barack Obama the new Rock Star

First off... I'm not against Barack Obama... dude is cool. But for some reason I'm pissed about all this Obama banter and shout outs. Why? I don't know...
Maybe it's because I've never been a politician head, or even remotely interested until it was my turn to drop my vote in the ballot. I've always kept up just enough to know who I wasn't going to vote for.
Maybe it's because all these people who are die hard politicians are just becoming die hard politicians. "Where were they 4 years ago when Kerry needed help?" Black people want to become die hard and gung ho now that a black man is running. He still a nigga in white people's eyes, whether he like, you like it, or not.
Maybe it's because all the new ghetto politicians are trying to be up on it (which is a good thing, no doubt), but niggas get on other niggas like you sinning if you ain't watching the Democratic Convention. Like your soul is going to hell. Like you got the plague or something. Like you just committed adultery or committed murder. The Democratic Convention is not that damn important.
The polls don't open until November. It's August. Right now all he is doing is accepting the nomination. A speech is a speech to me. I'm sure his speech was good. Hillary's speech was a speech, just like Michelle's speech was just a speech, just like Biden's speech was just a speech.
Maybe it's me still believing that all politicians are the best hustlers on the planet. They sell the dreams of lower gas prices, better health care for everyone, better educations, etc... but I still feel like it's all a hoax. I'd sell all kind of stuff to the masses too if they were going to buy it. I'm not saying that Obama is or is not going to change all these things in America, but it's going to take more than 2 terms and a couple of speeches to fix this fucked up place. Get us on track... ok... I can see that, and I don't doubt that, but I just don't buy the speeches. I'm a show me kind of guy. Of course I didn't see Obama's speech, and that's because College Football kicked off last night. I saw a minute or two in between commercials, but College Football and beer was way more entertaining.
So on that note... Until November when it's time to drop my vote into the ballot, it's Football Season baby! Go Blue, and How Bout Them Cowboys!
Keep Hip Hop Alive, One Bar at a Time
Over and Out, DocBoone
posted by DocBoone at Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Ron Artest on Yao Ming comment

"I understand what Yao said, but I'm still ghetto," Artest said, according to the report. "That's not going to change. I'm never going to change my culture. Yao has played with a lot of black players, but I don't think he's ever played with a black player that really represents his culture as much as I represent my culture. Once Yao Ming gets to know me, he'll understand what I'm about.
That's what Ron Artest had to say about Yao's comment.
Hopefully, [Artest isn't] fighting anymore and going after a guy in the stands.
Hmmm... really Ron? Still Ghetto? This comment is a tad bit suspect if you ask me. Is Ron out to prove something, and is he trying to say something about T-Mac? This could be a pretty deep comment when you look at it.
I've always felt that Ron Artest has some problems within himself that he needs to work on. Remember when he wanted to retire from the NBA to work on his music? That was a stupid idea - Glad you didn't do it Ron.
I don't doubt that the dude "Is still ghetto," I just don't agree with the language he used. I got this thing about people who use the word ghetto to describe themselves, and this is it at it's worst. As a professional NBA player making millions of dollars, why would you even want to present or represent yourself as being GHETTO?! I could see Ron Artest going back to Queens, New York after his basketball career and just posting up on the block like nothing happened. Sometimes I feel for this dude, and sometimes I just say he's the new Dennis Rodman.
Come on Ron, as a black man you have to do better than that my dude. I still think you're going to make the Western Conference All Star team this year.
Keep Hip Hop Alive, One Bar at a Time
Over and Out, DocBoone
posted by DocBoone at Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Beast
Just thinking back to that God awful night of my senior year in college. Big party night... The Blind Pig was supposed to be banging this night. Me and the fellas were getting wasted, but I had no idea that I would be obliterated. I had 2 fifths of Seagram's Blue Beast Gin and Juice, well half of one fifth was already gone. After killing the 5th and a half... by myself, we went to the club and I was feeling nice. I bought more drinks while there supposedly as the night began to blur. I woke up the next morning with my clothes still on, from my jacket to my Tims. I was passed out on the couch. I woke up just in time to get ready for work somehow though. Obviously still wasted from the night before and not really coherent - I went upstairs to get cleaned up. I was running short on time so for some reason I skipped the whole shower scene and resorted to just brushing my teeth. In the process I hurled and had to rebrush my teeth. Didn't change clothes... just walked out the door. Went and paid the water bill, and I can remember how the office was spinning, and the line was taking forever to move. I felt like I ate some bad candy from the Willy Wonka movie and everything started spinning... maybe a bad candy cane or something. I finally got the bill paid, and I needed some grub to hold my insides down. I stopped at trusty old Burger King for a whopper with cheese. Got my food, and parked my car at the commuter lot by the Big House. My bus ride was dreadful, as the bus seemed to swerve and jerk like a roller coaster at Cedar Point (all the while, I'm thinking... Did I brush my hair this morning?). Once I got off the bus and walked to work, I was greeted by my Supervisor. She laughed at me and said that I smelled like a wine-o. She was cool about it, since this office was comprised of 75% college students... she understood. But after my stinch of liquor was eluding from the conference room and throughout the office - she told me to take my drunk ass home. The bus ride again? So before I could even open my bag of BK... I was off back to the crib. Walking with my bag and drink in hand... I finally got to my car and drove home. I slept for the rest of the day, and since then... I've never touched the Blue Beast again. SMH....
Keep Hip Hop Alive, One Bar at a Time
Over and Out, DocBoone
posted by DocBoone at Sunday, July 27, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Speaking in Tongues

Damn, I did it again. I tuned in to MTV. Sucker Free always suckers me in, and everytime I end up turning the television in anger. I'm not sure if it's because the music is just not like it used to be, or if I just don't know what the hell the rappers are talking about anymore. With all the new slang that is being created I sometimes feel as if I'm a foreigner. Just in 5 minutes I heard not even two songs. One was by 3-6 Mafia and the other was some kid named Tyga(sp). I caught the end of 3-6 Mafia's video (oh was it horrible by the way), and the first half of Tyga's. I think I'm just losing touch with what's considered the rap slang.
3-6 Mafia's song is called Lolli Lolli (Pop That Body). Similar word to Lil Wayne's Lollipop. What the hell does Lollipop supposed to mean. I know I'm putting myself out there, but maybe if I catch up with the slang I can appreciate the music. Then this Tyga's song is called Coconut Juice. I know this fool ain't talking about no real coconut juice. I could take the reality of what really sells hip hop music (sex) and figure that into these terms somehow. I could be right, but I could be wrong... it's an assumption. Whatever the case be, I wish that rappers would not try so hard to be trend setters with vocabulary. Everybody wants to fit in and make up their own words, but nobody has a damn dictionary.
When someone finds out what these words really mean, let me know. Maybe I'm just looking too deep into things.
Over and Out, DocBoone
Labels: Music
posted by DocBoone at Sunday, June 08, 2008
Free Gas!!
Two magic words are turning consumers' heads lately. Not "Get rich" or "Lose weight." Try "Free gas." Businesses from banks and hotels to golf-club makers and blood-donation centers are offering promotions that involve free gas — generating more attention and goodwill from price-stunned drivers than traditional promotions might deliver.
For example, Callaway Golf Co. is giving away gas cards worth as much as $100 with the sale of certain drivers. Guests who book three nights through will get $50 gas cards. And TCF Bank, based in Wayzata, Minn., is giving $50 gas cards to customers who open checking accounts.

By 2012 barrels of oil are estimated to be probably double of what they are now. So that means a barrel that is selling for $120 will be well over $200. What that means is that gas will double from what it is now. $4.00 doubled is $8.00. Get ready America $10.00 a gallon will soon become the norm. Then what will we do? I travel 25 miles just to get to work everyday. I can't move, because how the hell am I going to sell this house without losing money? Find a new job that is close to work, and then I can ride my Cadillac bike to work everyday.

Over and Out, DocBoone
Labels: World News
posted by DocBoone at Sunday, June 08, 2008
Big Brown Turd

So all the buzz is over for the most part. Big Brown did not win the Triple Crown. Big Brown didn't even race a competitive race... he finished in LAST PLACE. The part that made me angry was that the media and the trainers had all these excuses for why he lost. Maybe it was because he wasn't ready to race. Maybe it was because he hadn't had his steroid injection. Maybe it was because the other horses were just BETTER TRAINED FOR THE RACE! All the buzz on tv... hours of pre race crap for a 2 minute race. Rich people. There was over $5 million bet on Big Brown Turd to win. For some reason I was waiting to see Big Brown Turd collapse a mile into the race. As much as this race was hyped in the news, I couldn't help but watch. And the funniest part about the whole horse racing thing is that the jockeys are all little people. Regulations say that you can't be over 5'5 or something close if you want to be a jockey. Oh man the jockeys were the funniest part next to seeing Big Brown Turd lose. Well now instead of Big Brown Turd being worth over $100 million, he is now only worth $10 million. Boo Hoo. Rich people.
Over and Out, DocBoone.
Labels: Sports
posted by DocBoone at Sunday, June 08, 2008
Doing Hoodrat Things
So it's been a few weeks since the whole Laterian Milton fiasco in Florida, but I've finally caught my breath just enough to comment. At first I laughed, and I thought it was hysterical that a 7 year old would go to such extremes for a joy ride. It was gut wrenching to find out that he only wanted to do hoodrat things, and thought it was fun. Without a doubt he should be locked up right now just to save the time later. Evaluations and medications will only do so much, but what happens when that one day comes and he didn't take his meds? Another joyride? How about a homicide? Or better yet, how about a joyride where he commits a double homicide while under the influence? All it would take is one day of not taking his prescribed Lithium or Prozac, and you have another media frenzy.
After his joy riding escapade Laterian showed up in the news once again. This time he actually attacked his grandmother. Why? Well, because she wouldn't order the chicken wings that he wanted. This caused him to become impulsively explosive, aggressive, and defiant (he ordered the wings anyway). After the second Laterian sighting, he was checked into the Emergency Psychiatric Hospital for a mental evaluation. As a School Social Worker I then started to think about this kid and his problems, and it wasn't funny anymore. This exact behavior is what is most times over looked in our African American children and teenagers. It is clear that something neurological is going on, or not going on which is causing this little boy to flip out so impulsively. I'm glad that he is getting some help, but he is going to have to be taught the right things to do instead of flipping out in the future.
It's probably not a stretch to say that his family is somewhat dysfunctional. His grandmother stated on the news that he is used to seeing violence and arguing in order to solve problems. Why isn't he with his mother? She hasn't been in any of these interviews. What kind of things are she dealing with personally? Drugs or alcohol? Probably, probably not. Oh, and grandma's Durango was pretty decked out with the after-market rims.
All in all, Laterian is only 7 years old. If he does not get his life together pretty soon it's going to be over before he is 10. Like so many of our troubled youth in today's society Laterian's behaviors have been overlooked as being normal or unimportant. The first step was getting him checked into the hospital. Now the hard work begins.
Hopefully Laterian can turn things around for the future. Who knows, maybe he'll become the Governor of Florida when he gets older. Probably not.
Over and Out, DocBoone.
Labels: World News
posted by DocBoone at Sunday, June 08, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Beasley Easily, or Smell the Roses

It could be easy with Beasley, or you could smell Rose burning the hardwood with his speed. Beasley could probably get you 20 and 10 every night. Rose could be the next best PG, similar to Deron Williams or Chris Paul. Those are just projections, and there are sure to be hundreds of them over the next few weeks to lead up to the 2008 NBA Draft.
I'm still trying to stop my hands from shaking, and my voice from disappearing. The only way I could describe the final selections of the Lottery Selection was to think about the scene from All About the Benjamins. You know, the scene where M. Epps and E. Mendez stood frozen in front of the television with their lottery ticket in hand. Once their numbers were read off they ecstatically jumped up and down hugging one another. Yeah, that was me tonight after the Bulls won the Number 1 pick in the NBA draft. I ran through the house screaming as if I was a 10 year old running from a whooping. It took me 30 minutes before my heart stopped pacing. Then I started to think... ok... who do we take?
Beasley. He could very well anchor our inside game, and who can we spare after we take him? My biggest hope is that John Paxson doesn't do anything retarded like trading him away (remember Elton Brand?) With Beasley banging down low, Hinrich may be enough to run the team again. Will Gordon or Deng really say peace out? At this point, I, and many other Bulls' fans probably don't even care.
Rose. He could easily take Hinrich's spot. Maybe the two of them can play together, and Gordon can bounce. Many people see him as the next best guard coming into the league. He's explosive. Crazy fast. Barry Bonds like strong (on roids). Think of a roided up Deron Williams maybe. Oh my God, so many choices!!!
Whatever the case... we have the number 1 pick, and we are going to have the chance to take the best player of the NCAA Basketball level from a year ago. All of this sounds too good, and I have to keep refocusing myself to not think about Greg Oden.
Damn, let me try to finish catching my breath here.
Over and Out, DocBoone.
Labels: Sports
posted by DocBoone at Tuesday, May 20, 2008

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